
Stage – Computational Toxicology / Data Scientist

BAYER Postée il y a 4 ans Sophia Antipolis Entre 4 et 6 mois

Mission proposée

Internship (Bac+5) position on computational toxicology


- Evaluate the predictive power of High Content Analyses (HCA) data derived of in vitro biological systems for in vivo toxicity profiles.
- Scope (global, regional or local):
- Global: Evaluation of HCA data approaches in their value for safety evaluation of Ag compounds

Your main responsabilities :
- The retrieval, analysis, contextualization and visualization of publicly available toxicity data.
- Establishment of a workflow for internally produced data.
- Computational data analysis of cellular morphology endpoints and the correlation to toxicity outcome.

Your Key Working Relation:
Early Toxicology Team

Profil recherché et exigences du poste

- Language: English and French mandatory
- Good know-how of computational languages and tools (Python and R in particular)
- Biological understanding and interest
- Ability to work in interdisciplinary teams
- Be pro-active and communicate with a positive mindset

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